Commissioning early childhood services – Literature review

This literature review, carried out by IPC for the Commissioning Support Programme, is intended to inform the development of an evidence-based commissioning strategy for early childhood services, with the emphasis on maximising impact and cost-effectiveness. The report is divided into three parts, summarising in turn: the national policy agenda in particular the 2010 health White Paper `Equity and Excellence: Liberating the NHS` and its implications for future responsibility for commissioning in this area; key messages from recent research, especially those relating to the economic case for preventative intervention in early childhood; and examples of existing commissioning approaches and service configuration from around the country, including analysis of the rationale behind each, their aims, and, where available, outcomes so far.

In addition to the White Paper, the review of the national agenda assesses major reports, including the Kennedy Report `Getting it right for children and young people: overcoming cultural barriers in the NHS`, the review of the Early Years Foundation Stage, and the Sure Start Children`s Centre Report for the Children, Schools and Families Select Committee.

It is anticipated that this national literature review would be used in conjunction with other sources of information specific to the commissioning organisation`s local area, population and existing services.

For further information please contact Katy Burch at IPC


Tel: 01225 484088

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