Safeguarding vulnerable adults through better commissioning

This discussion paper is one of a series of papers produced for commissioners and other senior partners in Adult Social Care, as part of the Developing Intelligent Commissioning Programme delivered by the Institute of Public Care in the Yorkshire and the Humber region. Based on a review of the existing literature and IPC`s own experience in working with local authorities reviewing their safeguarding procedures, the paper looks at the relationship between personalisation, safeguarding and commissioning.

It offers an overview of personalisation and adult safeguarding and asks whether they constitute a shared vision or conflicting agendas, highlighting some of the key overlaps and tensions. It discusses a number of considerations for commissioners looking to contract services – these include the types of support and advice required to enable staff to make informed decisions when aligning and integrating personalisation with adult safeguarding policies and procedures.

A checklist for commissioners is provided and suggestions for how safeguarding can become better embedded within the commissioning process are offered. The paper concludes with examples of good practice.

For further information please contact Usha Boolaky at IPC


Tel: 01865 790312

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