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Lucy Asquith

Assistant Director

Lucy Asquith Photo

Lucy is part of the IPC management team and leads the Institute's Academic Partnership programme. She is an experienced public sector management consultant, with a long track record in the fields of health, social care and housing. Her experience spans, evaluation and applied research, strategic management consultancy, interim management and freelance roles.

Clients have included local and national government, the NHS, charities and policy-makers. In recent years, Lucy's work has focused on system collaboration, with a particular interest in health inequalities, the wider determinants of health and preventative interventions. Lucy has experience of collaborating with operational colleagues (e.g. NHS foundation trusts, local authorities and specialist charities) as well as policy makers (e.g. Department for Health and Social Care, Welsh Government and large grant-making trusts).

Before joining IPC, Lucy worked in NHS Innovation, in local and national charities focused on social care, and spent 15 years working for a public sector management consultancy. She is a Non-Executive DIrector of Pobl Group, a housing association in Wales where she sits on the Safeguarding and Quality of Care committee.