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Support for young people experiencing sexual or criminal exploitation

We supported Avon and Somerset commissioners and the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, working with the service provider, Barnardo’s, to implement a regionally coordinated, evidence-informed service

  • Situation and task

  • What was the impact?

  • Key success factors

  • Situation and task

  • Situation and task

    Changing demand and subsequent changes in other local services meant that work was needed to re-visit and clarify the longer term priorities for the regional service. For example, there was a noticeably growing need in many of the areas for support for young people experiencing criminal alongside or as well as sexual exploitation.

    In this short project we:

    • Reviewed background data relating to the operation of the service and updated the evidence base relating to the best support for young people experiencing sexual abuse
    • Facilitated ‘pre-workshop’ meetings with all key players to explore individual commissioner and provider perspectives in more depth
    • Designed and facilitated a highly interactive online workshop with 15 stakeholders to identify shared priorities for future service (and contract) development
  • What was the impact?

  • What was the impact?

    The project resulted in the identification of clear priorities for contract and service development as well as potential barriers to achieving these and a broader (UK) evidence base in support of ‘what works’ for children and young people experiencing sexual or criminal exploitation.

    From the get go, Katy, who led on the coordination, grasped the local landscape very quickly and understood the dimensions involved. In the planning of the workshop, communication was clear and open. We felt like we could influence where we needed, yet trusted Katy to deliver without hand holding, with a professional yet warm approach, which engages people quickly. This made for a really successful workshop where partners both enjoyed the process and we achieved our desired outcome!”

    Senior Commissioning and Policy Officer, Avon and Somerset Police and Crime Commissioner

  • Key success factors

  • Key success factors

    Key success factors were:

    • Being able to come up to speed quickly and grasp the local and broader UK landscapes for service development in relation to support for young people experiencing sexual or criminal exploitation

    • Having an opportunity before an important ‘virtual’ workshop to undertake interviews with key players to ensure everyone had a chance to influence the agenda

    • Sharing vital information ‘up front’ so that conversations on the day could focus on ‘so what’ and ‘where next’ questions

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