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Need for a National Independent Living Strategy for our Ageing Population

IPC Visiting Research Fellow Dr Melanie Henwood is part of the expert panel at the Oxford Brookes University Healthy Ageing and Care network public lecture on Wednesday 8th February 18.00 - 19.30 at the John Henry Brookes Lecture Theatre, Headington Campus, Oxford.

Join Prof Roy Sandbach, and an expert panel, to discuss a National Independent Living Strategy for our ageing population. Why don’t we have one? And how can we all work together to create one, with technology innovation as a key enabler?

Welcome from Prof Linda King, Pro Vice Chancellor Research and Global Partnerships Oxford Brookes University. Panel includes:

  • Dr Melanie Henwood OBE FRSA, Visiting Research Fellow, Institute of Public Care, Oxford Brookes University
  • Dr Paul Jackson, Senior Lecturer, Oxford Brookes Business School
  • Dr Johnny Collet, Senior Lecturer in Clinical Exercise and Rehabilitation, Oxford Brookes University
  • Penny Thewlis, Chief Executive, Age UK Oxfordshire

Refreshments and a chance to meet members of the Healthy Ageing and Care network from 17.00.

Booking and further details: