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Wiltshire Council Gambling review

Wiltshire Council Public Health Team has commissioned IPC to explore the prevalence and implications of gambling and gambling harms across the county. The work will adopt a mixed methods approach comprising an analysis of local and regional data sources, and a series of interviews with professional stakeholders in the Wiltshire area.

Informed by the recent, seminal Public Health England (PHE) report 'Gambling-related harms evidence review' (2021), the IPC study will explore gambling through a public health lens investigating gambling-related harms to, for example, health, wealth, wellbeing, education, employment and relationships, current responses, and gaps in support and treatment in Wiltshire.

Engaging local stakeholders in thinking about gambling-related harm as a public health issue, the IPC/Wiltshire collaboration will feed into the co-production of working practices that have the potential to reduce the negative impact on individuals, families and communities.

For more details contact Agnes Turnpenny at IPC.

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