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Anticipating Future Needs

Report | August 2007

During 2006/07 IPC was commissioned by the Care Services Improvement Partnership (CSIP) to engage in a number of projects to develop a model approach to commissioning social care services. This report is the result of one of these projects.

It has been recognised that consultation and involvement of older people in planning provision is increasingly important, but that existing consultation mechanisms do not necessarily work well.

The Anticipating Future Needs project has attempted to combat this problem by developing a simple structured methodology for engaging pre-retirement older age groups and current service users in a way that allows them to express their views about their life situation now and in the future around themes that may be incorporated into Local Area Agreements (LAAs) and local commissioning strategies.

The report comprises four main sections:

  • Section A offers a brief review of the existing published literature, identifies key themes in relation to older people`s attitudes to ageing, health, well being, quality of life, accommodation and funding and looks at some issues that local commissioners may wish to take forward from this work in developing their Strategic Needs Assessments.
  • Section B describes the development of the approach to be used by the Anticipating Future Needs Project
  • Section C reports the application of this methodology in the two test local authorities.
  • Section D describes the approach that was used in more detail and provides tools and materials for others to use.

For further information please contact Juliet Bligh at IPC


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