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Commissioning to improve services for children in need

Report, case studies | March 2008

This paper is one of a series produced by IPC to support the commissioning of children in need services in Wales, as part of the Better Outcomes for Children in Need Programme. The paper considers the activities involved in commissioning and how they may be expected to contribute to improving public care services.

It proposes the IPC approach to commissioning as a tool to support improved performance and change management. It outlines key principles that underpin this framework, and describes the process of joint commissioning and the varying levels of possible partnership and integration, setting out the advantages of joint approaches.

National drivers for effective commissioning are explored, and there is examination of how commissioning has been applied as a tool for change and creating improved outcomes for children in need. The paper looks at barriers to achieving successful change, requirements for making change work and organisational factors that can have a positive impact on the ability of commissioners to implement change. The specifics of successfully commissioning children in need services are discussed, and a number of examples highlighting successful approaches are offered.

For further information please contact Katy Burch at IPC


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