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Extra care housing in Wales: A state of the nation report

Report | December 2015

IPC has prepared a report for the Housing LIN Cymru which provides an up-to-date picture of the current supply of extra care housing in Wales, the challenges facing the market and issues which will need to be considered for future provision. The report takes into account published information and the views and experiences of a number of experts working in the field.

Like most parts of Europe, Wales must respond to an ageing population and a finite supply of housing. This report offers support for encouraging and facilitating new extra care housing developments in Wales and draws attention to accommodation, care and services already offered by several schemes cited in the country.

Extra care housing can help to improve the health and wellbeing of residents, benefit local communities by offering employment and freeing up family housing, and reduce demand for health and social care services. Extra care housing can also encourage services such as the NHS and social care to work more closely in genuine partnerships.

The report makes a number of recommendations for extra care housing for older people in Wales over the coming decades.