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Extra care housing workforce competencies

Literature review, survey | September 2005

This report, prepared by the Institute of Public Care, outlines a set of necessary competencies for managers of Extra Care Housing (ECH) schemes, the training required to provide them, and the perceived gaps in current training. Intended as an aid for local authorities, registered social landlords, or voluntary and private sector providers of ECH, research is built around a literature review aimed at defining the key objectives of ECH, a survey of training managers at provider organisations, and a series of scheme visits, during which ECH scheme managers, staff and occupants were surveyed by interview and questionnaire. A review of applicable National Occupational Standards is also conducted.

The literature review assesses key documents from government, providers, statutory bodies and academics to provide a coherent definition of ECH, a comprehensive list of its intended outcomes within five key domains, and a detailed statement of the training needs identified. A questionnaire survey of training managers at provider organisations supplements these findings by identifying minimum essential requirements for managers, training provided and likely skills gaps.

Occupant interviews provide a broadly positive picture and set out the most valued aspects of ECH, such as company, security and the balance of independence and support, but also areas where improvement is needed. The survey of scheme managers produces a breakdown of employment backgrounds, variation in responsibilities, self-identified training gaps, and specific issues including high expectations of occupants, varying levels of dependence, community-building, and identifying `failing` older people.

The report concludes that while there is an understandable lack of consensus on training needs in an emerging field, specific gaps appear, including provision of assistive technology, the balance of security and privacy, partnership working, and providing financial advice to occupants.

Finally, a checklist of key skills, set out within the five domains, is provided.

For further information please contact Juliet Bligh at IPC


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