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NCF Leading the Way paper 1: people

Paper, case studies | March 2012

This examination of the importance to high-quality care of an effective and committed workforce forms one of a trio of short papers exploring the distinctive contribution of the not-for-profit sector to social care. Prepared by IPC on behalf of the National Care Forum (NCF), this first paper focuses on not-for-profit organisations` contribution to good employment practice. It looks at the evidence for a stable, diverse and flexible workforce in the sector, the organisational values that are attracting increased levels of recruitment and retention, and the tangible benefits to quality of care that those values and practices bring.

Identified strengths include increased professionalisation, reflected in higher numbers of employees with degrees and NVQs, a higher proportion of women, part-time and disabled workers than the public or private sectors, age-neutral employment practices, and over 20% of staff having more than five years` experience. Benefits of a more stable workforce are discussed, including reduced recruitment costs, retention of organisational memory and, in the case of older workers, valuable life experience.

The paper also includes a series of short, illustrative case studies offering practical examples of NCF member organisations putting principles into practice in areas including recruitment, leadership training and career development, and flexible employment practices. It also looks at efforts to improve terms and conditions of service, acknowledging that pay levels have not historically been able to compete with the public sector.

Finally, a brief summary is provided of the role played in fostering collaboration and dissemination of best practice by the NCF itself, a membership body representing more than 70 not-for-profit organisations nationwide.

For further information please contact Keith Moultrie at IPC


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