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Putting older people first: our vision for the next five years

Report | October 2015

IPC has collaborated with the South West Housing LIN Leadership Set to produce their five year vision statement. This sets out the group’s vision for a whole system approach to meeting housing, health and wellbeing outcomes for older populations in South West England over the next five years. The work was sponsored by Public Health England.

The vision statement highlights:

  • The aims and objectives of the group, including developing a shared understanding of the benefits to be gained from working across the health, social care and housing systems.
  • Specific issues facing the sector in the region including demographic pressures, increasing use of care homes set against limited housing options, and increasing levels of older people living with dementia.
  • Examples of innovative practice and the groups priorities over the next 5 years Priorities include supporting more integrated approaches to service design and delivery, promoting new models of care based around housing services, and developing an evidence base of the contribution housing can make to the prevention agenda.