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Care Purchasing and Brokerage

We've developed a version of our course aimed at social care staff who work in adult care placement, brokerage or purchasing roles

IPC and the Commissioning Alliance have developed a new short course aimed at social care staff who work in care placement, brokerage or purchasing roles. It covers:

  • Context and legislation, regulation, and quality frameworks in social care
  • Demand and supply in social care
  • Commissioning – what is it and your role within the commissioning cycle
  • Managing referrals in social care, including how to challenge them
  • Purchasing and procurement
  • Negotiation and accountability
  • Contract management and monitoring, including the importance of collecting data
  • Sharing best practice and top tips

The course costs £500 per person (or £400 for Commissioning Alliance Members) and an extra £300 per person for optional accreditation. We are delivering this short course as 4 half day sessions online. The next course for adults' care placement or brokerage officers will be on: 21, 28 October, 4 and 11 November 2024. Please click here to book on to the adult's services course.


You can choose to accredit your learning from this short course and gain an award from Oxford Brookes University – worth 10 CATS credits at undergraduate level – to help with your Continuing Professional Development (CPD). To do this you will need to attend additional support sessions and complete an assessed work-based project. There is an additional fee of £300 per person for accreditation. Download the student handbook below for more details.

Sasha Carter, Programme Administrator
Sasha Carter, Programme Administrator

Contact us to book an in-house bespoke course for your organisation