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Report and guidance on data and cyber security for social care services

IPC has been working with Digital Social Care, the LGA, NHS Digital and NHSX to raise awareness across councils and adult social care providers of the importance of data and cyber security – and of what they can do to adopt appropriate safeguards. Over the last year we supported 24 local projects to explore practical solutions to the challenges of data and cyber security.

The report highlights that, while there are great benefits to the increased use of digital technology in care services, there are risks in areas such as smartphone use, password practice, backups and staff training and awareness. Five of the people involved with the data and cyber security projects have been brave enough to share their experiences in these short videos. The videos give a great flavour of the projects and they flag up some key points for everyone to be aware of

The programme is developing a range of tools and guidance and the first of these, guidance on data and cyber security training materials for care providers, has been published on the Digital Social Care website.

We also developed new guidance for commissioners of adult social care services that has been published by the Local Government Association and can be viewed on the LGA website.

Ian Turner, who leads the programme on behalf of Digital Social Care and the Care Provider Alliance, said:

“We know that while they meet the challenges of COVID-19, care providers have never been busier, and that data and cyber security may not seem an immediate priority at this time. However, the risks are still out there, and I would encourage all care providers to look carefully at this topic when they are able to. We hope that the information and guidance we publish will help them to do so.”

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