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News and views from the Institute of Public Care

Focus on Carers

Focus on Carers


Recently we've focused on key emerging messages and debates for Carers. Explore all the links to our latest news and publications

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Carer Support: Ten years after the Care Act

Carer Support: Ten years after the Care Act


Download IPC's new discussion paper

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Better Care Fund (BCF) funded support for carers: understanding what works

Better Care Fund (BCF) funded support for carers: understanding what works


These 2 free workshops on 16 and 17 April are for for policy makers and practitioners to explore how BCF support for carers could improve outcomes and reduce inequalities

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Dementia: Research into Practice

Dementia: Research into Practice


This free webinar on 24 April is for Academic Partners interested in new research into dementia prevention, care and support.

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IPC appointed as a Foundations Evaluation Partner

IPC appointed as a Foundations Evaluation Partner


IPC selected as one of 44 organisations for Foundations, the national What Works Centre for Children & Families

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What works in transforming services for unpaid carers?

What works in transforming services for unpaid carers?


Read the latest findings from IPC's detailed evaluation of Carers Matter for Norfolk County Council

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Regional Action Learning Set Series launch

Regional Action Learning Set Series launch


The Regional Action Learning Set Series is launched exclusively for the IPC Commissioning Alumni Network in 2024

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FREE networking event for TMDP/MMDP Alumni

FREE networking event for TMDP/MMDP Alumni


Places are booking fast for this free networking/lunch event in the Clayton Hotel Cardiff 12th March

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IPC selected as Barnardo’s West Yorkshire Keyworker Service evaluation partner

IPC selected as Barnardo’s West Yorkshire Keyworker Service evaluation partner


IPC begins work with Barnardo’s after being selected as the evaluation partner for their new specialist keyworking initiative

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Wiltshire Council Gambling review

Wiltshire Council Gambling review


IPC to explore the prevalence and implications of gambling

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IPC developed Data Security and Protection eLearning Course on behalf of Better Security, Better Care

IPC developed Data Security and Protection eLearning Course on behalf of Better Security, Better Care


Led by Fiona Richardson, IPC have developed a course on behalf of Better Security, Better Care

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Embedding co-production in adult social care – how do we get to the top of the ladder?

Embedding co-production in adult social care – how do we get to the top of the ladder?


Read the key insights from our latest Alumni webinar on co-production

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