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Browse IPC’s library of specialist free-to-download publications in health and social care that reflect our work and consultancy expertise in thought leadership.

Established in 1987, our aim is to improve the health and wellbeing of citizens and communities. Our unique combination of academic rigour and practical experience allows us to provide consultancy, training, evaluation and applied research that help our clients improve service delivery, develop policies and strategies, and enhance workforce skills.

We hope you find real depth and breadth in our publications, and they spark interest or help drive improvement in your organisation.

Total results: 251

Putting older people first: our vision for the next five years

Date: October 2015
Type: Report

IPC has collaborated with the South West Housing LIN Leadership Set to produce their five year vision statement. This sets out the group`s vision for a whole system approach to meeting housing, health and wellbeing outcomes for older populations in…

The role and impact of enhanced administrative support to social work teams: a rapid research review

Date: July 2015
Type: Report

This rapid research review has been prepared to inform the DfE-funded Innovation Programme in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight but it is of interest more broadly to all local authority children`s services departments working with vulnerable children and young…

Effective interventions and services for young people at the edge of care: a rapid research review

Date: July 2015
Type: Report

This rapid research review has been prepared to inform the DfE-funded Innovation Programme in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight but it is of interest more broadly to all local authority children`s services departments working with vulnerable children and young…

Supporting children and young people at risk of sexual exploitation: a rapid research review

Date: July 2015
Type: Report

This rapid research review has been prepared to inform the DfE-funded Innovation Programme in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight but it is of interest more broadly to all local authority children`s services departments working with vulnerable children and young…

The role and impact of social worker-delivered advice and consultation for community-based professionals working with children and families including 'social work surgeries': a rapid research review

Date: July 2015
Type: Report

This rapid research review has been prepared to inform the DfE-funded Innovation Programme in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight but it is of interest more broadly to all local authority children`s services departments working with vulnerable children and young…

The Efficacy and Sustainability of Consortia Commissioning of Looked After Children's Services

Date: July 2015
Type: Report

Over the past decade there has been a growth in consortia commissioning arrangements of placements for children in care, with local authorities increasingly working together to commission placements, particularly for children in foster care and residential child care.

The role and impact of volunteers within family support: a rapid research review

Date: July 2015
Type: Report

This rapid research review has been prepared to inform the DfE-funded Innovation Programme in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight but it is of interest more broadly to all local authority children`s services departments working with vulnerable children and young…

Financial stability, cost charge and value for money in the children's residential care market

Date: June 2015
Type: Report

IPC undertook a project for the Department for Education to improve the understanding of the children`s residential care market, focusing on the financial stability of providers and offering options for how to improve the functioning of the market. The research…

Market shaping toolkit: supporting local authority and SME care provider innovation and collaboration

Date: June 2015
Type: Toolkit

The Market Shaping Toolkit supports both smaller care providers and local authorities to engage in market shaping and develop innovative practice to meet local needs together.

Evaluation of Hampshire dementia friendly communities

Date: June 2015
Type: Evaluation

IPC undertook an evaluation of the Hampshire-wide Dementia Friendly Communities (DFC) project in March and April 2015. The evaluation was intended to explore whether the objectives and outcomes of the Hampshire-wide Dementia Friendly Communities project have been achieved.

Becoming a dementia-friendly organisation

Date: May 2015
Type: Report

IPC prepared a report for the Guinness Partnership on how it can work to become a dementia friendly organisation.

Emerging practice in outcome-based commissioning for social care

Date: April 2015
Type: Discussion paper

This paper is a progress report exploring the lessons learnt from a variety of approaches taken by councils to `outcome-based commissioning` in adult social care.