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Browse IPC’s library of specialist free-to-download publications in health and social care that reflect our work and consultancy expertise in thought leadership.

Established in 1987, our aim is to improve the health and wellbeing of citizens and communities. Our unique combination of academic rigour and practical experience allows us to provide consultancy, training, evaluation and applied research that help our clients improve service delivery, develop policies and strategies, and enhance workforce skills.

We hope you find real depth and breadth in our publications, and they spark interest or help drive improvement in your organisation.

Total results: 251

NCF Leading the Way paper 1: people

Date: March 2012
Type: Paper, case studies

The NCF has commissioned IPC to produce a series of three papers which provide an overview and practical examples from NCF members on the distinctive contribution made by not-for-profit providers to social care services. This first paper has a focus…

The case for tomorrow: joint discussion document on the future of services for older people

Date: March 2012
Type: Discussion paper

This discussion paper, produced by the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS) in partnership with the Institute of Public Care, offers a timely assessment of the future development needed in services for older people.

Social care demographics and pressure points

Date: March 2012
Type: Paper

There has been much debate in recent years of the impact of projected changes in the population, with an increase in the proportion of older people, and a corresponding reduction in the proportion of children and working-age adults in the…

Welsh Government mental health commissioning data set

Date: February 2012
Type: Data set

This report describes the information set required for commissioning services for adults with mental health problems and identifies data sources.

Follow-on study: Older people who pay for care

Date: January 2012
Type: Study

This report by IPC is a follow-on study to the Putting People First Consortium's publication, People who pay for care: quantitative and qualitative analysis of self-funders in the social care market (2010).

Strategic Housing for Older People

Date: December 2011
Type: Resource pack, briefing papers

The new Strategic Housing for Older People (SHOP) Resource Pack provides a range of briefing papers and tools to help commissioners, developers and providers of services understand the future demand and market for housing for older people in the current…

Service user involvement: Alcazar Court

Date: November 2011
Type: Report, evaluation

This paper describes and evaluates a `Question Time` event staged by Enfield Council to let service users put questions directly to providers bidding for a contract to supply Extra Care Housing at one of its sites, Alcazar Court. IPC, which…

Developing a workforce strategy for family support services

Date: September 2011
Type: Report

This report was prepared by IPC for a County Borough Council in Wales and is intended to support the local authority role in piloting a scheme under the Welsh Assembly Government`s Families First initiative, which is aimed at improving the…

Investing in prevention for older people at the health and social care interface

Date: September 2011
Type: Paper

This paper describes a new investment model designed to stimulate improved and more cost-effective outcomes for older people at the interface of health and social care. Its emphasis is on reducing demand by providing targeted preventative services as a mainstream…

Money matters: reviews of cost-effective initiatives

Date: July 2011
Type: Case studies

This set of eight case studies, produced by the Institute of Public Care on behalf of IRISS (the Institute for Research and Innovation in Social Services), provides detailed analysis of the cost-effectiveness of a series of recent social care initiatives…

Promoting good provider forums

Date: July 2011

This paper was produced by IPC to assist national conversations taking place around promoting good social care provider forums in Wales.

Integrated local children's services

Date: July 2011
Type: Discussion paper

This short paper on the importance of integrating local children’s services represents the personal view of Professor Keith Moultrie but draws on more than 15 years of research by the Institute of Public Care (IPC). Its central argument is that…