Better Security Better Care Programme

Better Security Better Care Programme

Data security deadline: 30 June 2022

Adult social care providers have until 30 June to complete their Data Security and Protection Toolkit (DSPT) for 2021/22. The toolkit enables providers to check and improve their current data and cyber security arrangements, meet their contract requirements and access NHS systems such as NHSmail and shared records. It is recognised by the NHS, local authorities and the CQC as evidence. But only if it is up to date.

Access free, expert support including webinars. Follow Q&A on Twitter #DSPTQandA

Book a webinar:

  • Using the DSPT for the first time 8 June 2022 – 3-4pm Book here
  • Review and republish your DSPT 9 June 2022 – 3-4pm Book here
  • The DSPT for local authority inhouse adult social care services 10 June – 3-4pm Book here

View recordings of previous webinars and access Q&As.

Data protection: local authorities and the NHS

Local authorities running inhouse adult social care services should complete the Data Security and Protection Toolkit (DSPT).

Find out more: Book Better Security, Better Care webinar– 10 June, 3-4pm.

LA and NHS commissioners should raise awareness of the importance of data protection amongst care providers and encourage them to use the DSPT. Get top tips and insights – access recording, presentation and Q&A from this Better Security, Better Care webinar held on 17 May.

NHSmail – Drop in sessions

NHSmail is a free, secure email system that improves communication between social care providers and the NHS. The NHSmail team are now running drop-in sessions every Wednesday 11-11:30am to help with any questions you have. There is no need to register, just click this link to join the call.

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