Adults and Older People's Services

Supporting Wellbeing and Independence

Central to our work with senior managers, practitioners, commissioners and those involved in the direct care and support to adults and older people is a focus on the delivery of outcomes that improve the health and well-being of individuals. With over 30 years’ experience across the UK in this area, IPC offers you credible and sector-respected independent advice and expertise to improve the design, commissioning, practice quality and performance management of services and support.

Commissioning and Market Shaping

IPC has led thinking on market shaping, and worked extensively with local authorities, providers and national governments on the commissioning task. We offer expertise in market analysis and developing market position statements, as well as giving support to commissioners wanting to work more closely with their providers – and vice versa.

We’ve created a number of resources to help you analyse and assess your particular care market, including the Market Shaping Toolkit and the Self Funders Toolkit. We also host a database of all published market position statements in England.

Integrated Health and Social Care

IPC plays a key role in helping organisations work in partnership to ensure that care for local people is integrated.  We work regularly with Integrated Care System partners to explore opportunities for improved systems, processes and culture.  Our approaches encourage co-production, a focus on health inequalities and positive attitude towards change which builds on “what works”.  Examples include support to streamline assessment and reablement pathways, co-producing new strategic and operational plans, engaging communities in health and social care research and evaluating the impact of new initiatives. 

Connect with IPC

If you are interested in learning more about our expertise with adults and older people’s services, or if you would like to discuss how we can support your organisation, please contact Lucy Asquith.

Lucy Asquith,
Assistant Director

Related Case Studies

Discover how IPC has supported organisations in enhancing the quality and effectiveness of services for adults and older people through our collaborative and research-driven approach:

Case Studies
Seafarers UK commissioned us as Academic Partner to undertake a three-year programme of research to improve our understanding of the UK’s merchant navy veteran community, their conflict experiences and their health and social care needs and how these are currently being met
Case Studies
In 2018, the Isle of Wight Council asked us to work alongside them, and in partnership with the local domiciliary care market, to begin to make the transition to an outcome focused home care service model
Case Studies
Gwent Regional Partnership Board commissioned us to help them capture the learning from changes in health and social care practice which had been brought about by the 2020 Covid pandemic

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