The Care Provider Alliance, Local Government Association and NHSX, commissioned us to support the adult social care provider sector to improve data and cyber security as part of a national programme
We co-developed a programme that led to the creation of a new integrated service - Intermediate Care Southwark – cited as an example of “Outstanding Practice” by the Care Quality Commission
Seafarers UK commissioned us as Academic Partner to undertake a three-year programme of research to improve our understanding of the UK’s merchant navy veteran community, their conflict experiences and their health and social care needs and how these are currently being met
A shire county children's services had recently had a poor Ofsted inspection and as part of a package of improvement measures asked us to design and deliver a bespoke leadership programme for all senior and team managers
In 2020 Wiltshire Council commissioned us to undertake an independent review of domestic abuse and sexual violence support services before and during the Covid pandemic
Changes to the commissioning team and a challenging public care agenda prompted Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council to form an Academic Partnership with us
We were commissioned by Barnardo’s to undertake a two-year evaluation of their ‘Opening Closed Doors’ domestic abuse programme that is delivered across four local authority areas in South East Wales and funded by the Home Office
In 2018, the Isle of Wight Council asked us to work alongside them, and in partnership with the local domiciliary care market, to begin to make the transition to an outcome focused home care service model
Gwent Regional Partnership Board commissioned us to help them capture the learning from changes in health and social care practice which had been brought about by the 2020 Covid pandemic
We supported Avon and Somerset commissioners and the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, working with the service provider, Barnardo’s, to implement a regionally coordinated, evidence-informed service
Caerphilly and Blaenau Gwent wanted to develop social work practice across both local authorities to embed the spirit of the ‘Social Services and Wellbeing Act’
Natalie Hancock, VAWDASV Regional Advisor Mid and West Wales said: "The support, knowledge and professionalism IPC brought to this piece of work enabled it to become a vehicle of movement and positive change, in the landscape of VAWDASV Regional Commissioning."