Carers Week 10th-16th June

Carers Week from 10-16 June 2024 will focus on ‘Putting Carers on the Map.’ Too often, unpaid carers (numbering almost 6 million in the UK) who provide essential care and support to family members and friends, are overlooked, poorly recognised and insufficiently supported, and can experience negative impact on their own physical and emotional wellbeing. The Carers Week campaign gives an opportunity to raise the profile of carers, increase awareness and understanding of their needs and improve levels of support.

Over the last decade since the Care Act was introduced giving carers ‘parity of esteem’ there has been some welcome progress, particularly in increased recognition and improved information, advice and assessment. However, pressures on local authority budgets are also widespread and likely to increase demands on carers to do more. Putting carers on the map is an important opportunity both locally and nationally in further developing carer awareness and practical support strategies. At IPC we are committed to informing and shaping positive change for carers and we undertake a range of work around carers issues, including evaluating local models of support and understanding what works in supporting carers and those they care for.

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