IPC Visiting Research Fellow Dr Melanie Henwood is part of the expert panel at the Oxford Brookes University Healthy Ageing and Care network public lecture on Wednesday 8th February 18.00 – 19.30 at the John Henry Brookes Lecture Theatre, Headington Campus, Oxford.
Join Prof Roy Sandbach, and an expert panel, to discuss a National Independent Living Strategy for our ageing population. Why don’t we have one? And how can we all work together to create one, with technology innovation as a key enabler?
Welcome from Prof Linda King, Pro Vice Chancellor Research and Global Partnerships Oxford Brookes University. Panel includes:
- Dr Melanie Henwood OBE FRSA, Visiting Research Fellow, Institute of Public Care, Oxford Brookes University
- Dr Paul Jackson, Senior Lecturer, Oxford Brookes Business School
- Dr Johnny Collet, Senior Lecturer in Clinical Exercise and Rehabilitation, Oxford Brookes University
- Penny Thewlis, Chief Executive, Age UK Oxfordshire
Refreshments and a chance to meet members of the Healthy Ageing and Care network from 17.00.
Booking and further details: www.eventbrite.com/e/need-for-a-national-independent-living-strategy-for-our-