Supporting the Care Provider Market to use Technology Safely

Digitisation of social care is a key policy aim and has been shown to improve the quality and efficiency of care. Nationally, money is being invested to drive digitisation across the adult social care sector to improve the quality, safety and personalisation of care.

The Data Security and Protection Toolkit (DSPT) is an online self-assessment tool to help adult social care providers in England to store and share information safely. It shows care services what they need to do to keep people’s information safe, and to protect their business from the risk of a data breach or a cyber attack. It covers both paper and digital records.

Local authority and NHS commissioners require the services that they commission to keep data safe and commissioners play a key role in supporting local providers to safely use digital technology.

This webinar will explore how commissioners can support market stability and sustainability by helping care providers to safely go digital and how they can strengthen care providers’ data protection by through their role as commissioners.

This free event is offered to the accredited Alumni of the IPC Certificate in Commissioning and Purchasing for Public Care. Alumni members can book their place via the IPC Alumni Forum.

We are also now pleased to extend the invitation of this Webinar to all our colleagues and friends of IPC.

More webinar details and book here.

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