News and Views

From the Institute of Public Care

A series of co-production workshops with Social Workers and Occupational Therapist
IPC and Ipsos UK conducting research on cyber security practices and impacts within the adult social care sector for DHSC
How colleagues shared their experiences of prioritising commissioning roles and responsibilities
Read about the takeout's from the workshop hosted with Gloucestershire County Council
Find out more details about this new funding
IPC explore if there should be a national mechanism to identify and share with care providers the most relevant learning from Safeguarding Adult Reviews
Read about the mixed methods evaluation led by IPC and commissioned by the National Adoption Strategy Team (NAST)
Read about IPC's learning from the virtual conference of Westminster Health Forum, ‘Priorities for children and young people’s health in England.’
IPC support the children's research network event for young people at Oxford Brookes University
IPC publishes ground breaking Open Access SAGE journal article about the effects of Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy (DDP) on adopted and care experienced children
Findings from a review undertaken at IPC by Dr Melanie Henwood, Visiting Research Fellow, distil the research evidence to explore ‘what good looks like’ in supporting people living with dementia.

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